What are Social Enterprises?

What is a Social Enterprise?

Social enterprises are businesses that trade to intentionally tackle social problems, improve communities, provide people access to employment and training, or help the environment. Social enter­pris­es use their prof­its and busi­ness prac­tices to address a soci­etal need. Though these enter­pris­es can take many forms across many indus­tries, they ulti­mate­ly exist to serve the com­mon good.

There are currently more than 3,500 social enterprises trading across metropolitan and regional Victoria employing an estimated 60,000 people and contributing $5.2 billion to the Victorian economy.

They can be defined by following key factors:

  • are driven by a public or community cause, be it social, environmental, cultural or economic

  • derive most of their income from trade, not donations or grants

  • use the majority (at least 50%) of their profits to work towards their social mission.

  • Invest efforts and resources into their purpose such that public/community benefit outweighs private benefit.

Source: Finding Australia’s Social Enterprise Sector Report 2016


What are for-profit social enterprises?